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Thursday, May 16, 2019

Welcoming baby #5 to this crazy hive.

     Yes, you read that correctly, The Watkins family is having another baby!!

By now most of you should have seen our Pregnancy Announcement video. If not STOP; go to the link connected and take a look lol. ------> Our Big Announcement!!!

We are now 16 weeks into this pregnancy and all I can say is that this has not been an easy secret to keep. Hubby and I found out literally the beginning of march. Apparently our 21 day fast wasn't only good for getting closer to God lol. We are all so very happy, especially the kids who are now patiently waiting to find out if it will be a boy or a girl. We cant figure out who is the most excited. Right now its a tie between my sister and my daughter. My husband is 2nd runner up in excitement and our boys just want it to be girl for Sydnie. Our oldest Sharrod is more concerned about the money part of having a baby, but the last I time checked we were the ones who worked and he was in middle school lololol.

                                                 *FIRST TRIMESTER BLUES*

Now I want to be 100% honest with you, the moment I found out we were expecting (AGAIN), I was not over the moon excited. I was actually very scared and sad. Before you say I sound ungrateful let me explain what was going through my mind. 
  • I'm making 32yrs this year, I'm much older now.
  • I am plus size and have been working on loosing weight and a pregnancy will make me so much more heavier than I am now, which will affect my health.
  • We already have four kids, FOUR!! 
  • My husbands business has just started picking up more traction, So now he is gone more days and longer hours than he was before. 
  • This will be my 4th C-section and I am very concerned about my risk factors. .
I have a few more but hopefully you get the gist of my concerns. I just kept asking God was he sure this was meant for us. More specifically me?? I thought my baby making days were over once Sydnie was born. My Doctor says its perfectly normal and within my right as a mom of 4 to have those concerns.

I've had a few weeks now for my emotions to catch up to my families excitement and I must say I am starting to smile more and more when ever they bring up the new baby.

OMGRAPES, I do not remember ever being so sick, so tired, so emotional, and in so much pain with any of my previous pregnancies. I feel like I'm having an outer body experience most of the time. When I tell you breast tenderness has been soooo REAL. I absolutely detest putting on and taking off my bra. I've lost 7lbs in the last 3 weeks alone. I am always nauseas, always hungry, but I don't want to eat anything.

I have only been able to keep down water, salads, cereal and an occasional tuna sandwich. The thought of food turns my stomach and I haven't had chocolate in weeks. The morning sickness this time around has been the worst. Its more like all day sickness and random moments of vomiting even while in the car. I have learned to keep several plastic bags in the car for those crazy moments. I kid you not I don't even know who I am anymore.

Every day I need at least a 2hr nap after I pick up the kids from school. Thank God hubby gets off an hour after we get home. Lets not even start with the headaches (that's a blog all by itself).
I have also experienced what my doctor calls a 'threatening miscarriage'. I've been to the ER 3xs  since March with heavy bleeding. That has been very scary on top of all the body aches and pains. Thank our heavenly father that every time I do go to the ER they tell me everything is fine with baby S5.

                                                    *A new normal, in the 2nd trimester* 

It has been a few weeks now and the shock of it all has finally begun to wear off and turn into joy for me personally. I'm trying to get back into my normal routine and I've even joined a local gym so I can take the Pilates classes to help with the muscle aches and body pains. 4xs a week our whole family goes on a 2 1/2 mile walk to try and decrease my fatigue and increase my energy. My appetite isn't back yet, but at least bread is still my friend. I just want a little bit or normality again.

I recently took the Harmony blood test and we should know the sex of baby S5 within a few weeks. I have asked to be kept in the dark about the gender and my sister will be the only one who knows since she wants to throw us to a baby shower/ Gender reveal. <Like I said she is SUPER EXCITED>.

I will continue to make new content on This Is Me Chevonne and 2xs a mth I will update you all on baby S5. I will be keeping it all the way REAL. Please don't expect the sunshine, butterfly and rainbows post. You all will be getting my real and raw emotions. I can only be true to myself and to you my friends.

                           OWW yeah, Take a look at some of our Announcement Pics!!

Well thank you for coming to chat with me. I Hope you enjoyed today's topic. I pray you come back to visit me again soon. Same time next week? You bring the tea and I will bring the treats.

With Blessings & the Peace of God,

xoxo, Chevonne. 

Our pregnancy Announcement!!

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